Hypopressive exercises are part of the ancient practice of yoga called NALI, however the Hypopressive Abdominal Gymnastics and Low Press Fitness techniques have contributed greatly to its dissemination in current times.
We recommend hypopressive exercises with the aim of promoting intense work on the abdominal muscles, especially the transverse muscles, in order to increase the abdominal girdle, without, however, increasing the pressure on the pelvic floor.
Therefore, the great advantage of hypopressive exercises is that they do not increase intra-abdominal pressure, consequently they do not increase the pressure on the PERINEUM.
We recommend these exercises for the correction of abdominal diastasis, in the treatment of pelvic organ prolapses and postpartum.
Eventually, the ideal would be for women to be able to do their conventional physical exercises with this hypopressive breathing, this way they will be providing greater protection of the PERINEUM.
The urogynecological physiotherapy</a > it is a conservative treatment, certainly without any side effects, which in a way simple and quick resolves pelvic floor dysfunctions.
In this way, the main national and international medical societies recommend it as the first form of treatment for perineal dysfunction, also serving as a form of prevention.
Firstly, our treatments aim to carry out a global rehabilitation of the muscles of the PERINEUM, at the end of treatment these muscles will be able to perform all their functions: urinary, defecatory, sexual and support of the pelvic organs.
Therefore, all treatments follow the revolutionary and innovative concept Active Perineal Rehabilitation and Series developed by physiotherapist Dr. Laira Ramos.
The Active Perineal Rehabilitation protocol consists of 14 individual consultations, with the purpose of providing global rehabilitation of the muscles of the PERINEUM.
Each consultation lasts an average of 50 minutes in which the patient undergoes kinesiotherapy (Kegel exercises)with biofeedback and electrostimulation</a >.
In this sense, the difficulty of the exercises evolves gradually, with the protocol divided into 3 phases: sessions 1 to 4 are for the teaching of contraction and relaxation; 5 to 8 sessions are for training agility and muscular coordination; sessions from 9 to 14 to promote muscle hypertrophy.
Therefore, in order to obtain better results more quickly, at the end of each session patients are instructed to do exercises at home and women instructed in the use of vaginal cones.