We can also call it intestinal constipation, even which is popularly known as constipation. In short, it is a condition where defecation becomes difficult and infrequent, occurringless than 3 times a week.
Certainly around 80% of people will experience some temporary episode of constipation during their lives, especially pregnant women, while 40% of them will experience this difficulty during pregnancy.
Ultimately, it is a condition that greatly affects the quality of life, in such a way that it results in great discomfort, abdominal pain, and a swollen belly. The term enfezado portrays these people’s feelings well.
Acute intestinal constipation:
When symptoms occur in an unexpected way, it is generally a transitory situation, due to some behavioral or physiological change.
Chronic intestinal constipation:
This being the most common case, this is persistent constipation, that is, lasting for months or years.
Mild intestinal constipation:
When evacuation happens every 3 or 4 days, however, it is not necessary to always use medication.
Moderate intestinal constipation:
In these cases, bowel movements occur about once a week, making it necessary to use medication.
Severe constipation:
These cases are certainly very complicated, defecation occurs less than once a week, always with medication, and medical intervention is eventually necessary.
This condition is likely to manifest itself mildly and gradually, initially with difficulty in evacuating, requiring greater force for evacuation to occur.
As well as at this stage there is also the sensation of incomplete emptyingof the rectum.
However, the feces begin to become harder and dry, which makes elimination even more difficult.
Furthermore, lack of evacuation leads to discomfort, abdominal distension and pain.
Constipation occurs due to multifactorial causes such as slow intestinal transit, metabolic diseases, nervous dysfunctions, irritable bowel syndrome and malfunction of the PERINEUM.
On the other hand, the use of some medicines such as analgesics, antidepressants, iron and calcium supplements, may lead to acute constipation or, worse, constipation in chronic patients.
Behavioral factors such as a sedentary lifestyle, low fluid intake and a diet low in fiber also have a major influence on intestinal malfunction.
Still in behavioral factors, postponing evacuation leads to dry feces, worsening constipation.
Furthermore, it is necessary to defecate in the correct position: legs elevated, trunk leaning forward and muscles relaxed.
The urogynecological physiotherapy is a conservative treatment, without no side effects, which can help solve this problem if the cause is in the inadequate functioning of thepelvic floor muscles.
Firstly, all patients are evaluated so that it is possible to find the most appropriate treatment in each case. All of our services are individualized, respecting the goals of each patient.
These treatments aim to improve the relaxing ability of the PERINEUM to open the urethra and allow urination. For this purpose, electrostimulation and kinesiotherapy with biofeedback.
In some cases it is necessary to use a muscle stretching technique such as perineal massage and the stretching balloon.
We start with simple contraction and relaxation exercises; the difficulty and intensity of the exercises evolves with each consultation following the concept Active Perineal Rehabilitation and Series developed by physiotherapist Dr. Laira Ramos .