Cuidados perineais na gravidez


Without a doubt, pregnancy is a magical period in the lives of women, however, unfortunately, it is likely that the biomechanical and metabolic changes that occur in their bodies are causes of discomfort and some perineal dysfunctions, the most common being theurinary incontinence (loss of pee).

In this sense, the muscles of the PERINEUM They will have an overload of weight since they are responsible for supporting the uterus, baby, placenta, amniotic fluid… in such a way that this entire structure can weigh 5 to 10 kg during pregnancy.

In order to to prevent these pathologies, it is very important that women start preparing these muscles when planning to pregnancy or in the second half of pregnancy (between 14 and 20 weeks), regardless of whether they want a vaginal birth or cesarean section.

Certainly here we respect the pregnant woman, her rights and her desires, supporting her decisions. In this way we offer care specific and specialized for monitoring during thepregnancy and in post childbirth.

Because we offer a personalized treatment all services are provided in individual consultations based on the concept Active Perineal Rehabilitation & Series, in such a way that we always offer the maximum comfort and security.

We can start in the second quarter


In order to try to avoid pelvic floor injuries, all women who wish to have a vaginal birth need to prepare for birth with birth exercises. relaxation and perineal stretching.

Just to exemplify the muscles of the PERINEUM they are the last barrier that the baby encounters during birth and, contrary to what happens with the cervix, these muscles do not go through the dilation process, in this sense they are stretched maximum during the baby’s passage.

Likewise, mothers who want the vaginal birth need to learn the correct way to breathe during labor and finally how to force expulsion for the baby to be born.



Finally the baby is born and there is certainly all the joy and happiness that comes with being a mother, however, sometimes unforeseen events happen in such a way that the mother cannot live the postpartum period to its fullest and with all the joy she deserves and dreamed of.

Above all is the urinary incontinence (loss of pee) in the postpartum period is the pathology that most bothers the mother, although the pelvic organ prolapses (“dropped bladder”) and the fecal incontinence (loss of gas or feces) are also part of the frustrations and despair of some mothers.

Likewise, cutting an episiotomy or laceration leaves unpleasant consequences as the mother feels pain in the area of scar in such a way that it makes your postpartum recovery difficult. It is likely that in many cases the mother will experience pain and discomfort during sexual intercourse.


I’m here to support you right now


The urogynecological physiotherapy It’s a treatment conservative, certainly without any side effects, which in a simple and quick way solves the dysfunctions of the pelvic floor.

In this way, the main medical societies, national and international, indicate how first form of treatment for perineal dysfunctions, also serving as a form of prevention.

Firstly, our treatments aim to carry out a global rehabilitation of the muscles of the PERINEUM, at the end of treatment these muscles will be able to perform all yours functions: urinary, defecatory, sexual and support of the pelvic organs.

Assim sendo, todos os tratamentos seguem o revolucionário e inovador conceito Reabilitação Perineal Ativa e Série desenvolvido pela fisioterapeuta Dra. Laira Ramos.


The Active Perineal Rehabilitation protocol consists of 14 individual consultations, with the aim of providing a global rehabilitation of the muscles of the PERINEUM.

Each consultation lasts an average of 50 minutes in which the patient completes kinesiotherapy (Kegel exercises) with biofeedback and electro-stimulation.

In this sense, the difficulty of the exercises evolves gradually, the protocol is divided into 3 phases: sessions 1 to 4 are for the teaching of the contraction and relaxation; 5 to 8 sessions are for training agility and muscular coordination; sessions from 9 to 14 to promote muscular hypertrophy.

Therefore, in order to obtain the best results with more speed, at the end of each session, patients are instructed to do exercises at home and women instructed in the use of vaginal cones.