Basically, sexual dysfunctions can affect men and women. In short, they are related to desire, excitement, orgasm and pain.
In short, it is the decrease or absence of sexual desire, sexual fantasy or sexual thoughts.
- Aversion: anxiety or rejection of sexual intercourse
In these cases there is a reduction or absence of answers psychological or physiological mechanisms that prepare the body for sexual intercourse
- Persistent excitement: unwanted genital response in the absence of desire
In this way, there is a reduction or absence of orgasms; decreased intensity of orgasms; difficulty reaching orgasm
Finally, sometimes sexual intercourse can lead to persistent or recurring pain or discomfort.
- Vaginism: persistent or permanent difficulty in allowing the introduction of the penis, or any other object into the vagina; although there is a desire to do so
Certainly sexuality is complexand composed of several factors: physical, physiological and psychological. Therefore, sexual dysfunctions have multifactorial causes, requiring a assessment clear and specific.
On the one hand we have the psychological factors such as anxiety, fear, a rigid and religious upbringing, and the couple’s relationship.
However, in some cases the physiological factors that are responsible for the dysfunction. In this sense we have hormonal changes, chronic diseases such as diabetes, diseases of the nervous system.
Finally, we may have changes that are related to physical components, In these we can find changes in the pelvic floor, such as weakness or hyperactivity of these muscles. In this sense, we can also find neuromuscular injuries caused by childbirth or surgery.
A urogynecological physiotherapy is a conservative treatment, without any side effects, which can form a treatment when the cause is physical.
Firstly, all patients are evaluated so that it is possible to find the most appropriate treatment in each case. All of our services are individualized, respecting each patient’s goals.
These treatments aim to improve the contraction and relaxation capacity of the PERINEUM to improve sexual capacity. For this purpose, the electro-stimulation and kinesiotherapy with biofeedback.
In some cases it is necessary to use a muscle stretching such as perineal massage and stretching balloon. When necessary, we use normalization of sensitivity and cicatrization treatment.
Thus, the difficulty and intensity of the exercises evolves with each consultation, following the concept Active Perineal Rehabilitation and Series developed by physiotherapist Dr. Laira Ramos.